Star Wars Lore Dreamed Up to Explain George Lucas' Scripts

A lot of the Star Wars universe doesn't make any sense, but fans will find ways to work around those things. The explanations are nested in a vast universe of Star Wars facts that get more ridiculous the deeper you go. Sure, this entire franchise has humor built into it, and you can enjoy the minutia if you don't take it too seriously.

Twitter user yuuko from nichijou, also known as Jackson, is a Star Wars fan, but also has a snarky sense of humor. The vast universe of Star Wars has a backstory for every character, no matter how minor, and explanations for how a galaxy far, far away works in the most minute detail. And everyone has their favorite fact that is memorable for being so ridiculous. A megathread from a few days ago invited everyone share theirs.

There are 1,700 replies, including some from Star Wars itself.

But my favorites are those tidbits that try to explain why the Star Wars universe uses references from our world. George Lucas used plenty of common idioms in his original trilogy with barely a thought of how that wouldn't make sense in another galaxy. So later Star Wars tales took crazy tricks to make them work.

You'll enjoy reading through the entire thread, or you can see a list of 17 Star Wars facts that really stood out at Cracked.

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