The First Star Wars Trilogy, with Cat Actors

The internet's two favorite things, cats and Star Wars, have been combined in myriad videos, many that you've seen here, and we won't pass up the opportunity to post more of them. Instagram cats Badger and Ellie, along with their friends Lucy, Ziggy, Bo, Usopp, Luke, Linus, Tamari, and Teddy, are fashionistas with a costume for any and every event. Now they are actors, too, as they recreate the original 1977 movie Star Wars, now known as Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Oh yeah, and The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi as well. They have their lines down purr-fectly. I wonder what kind of fish paste they've been eating, because it's obviously lip-smacking good. Chewbacca has especially emotive dialogue. Don't miss Yoda observing in amazement as Luke raises his X-wing fighter using the Force ...and some fishing line. These are all good cats. (via Boing Boing)

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