Medieval Memes with Meme Master Medievalist Matt

What period of history is most like the early internet? It had to be the medieval era, when the only books were hand-copied by bored monks and no one knew how to read anyway. No one knew what an elephant looked like, either, but you only needed paint to give it a try. There were so many jokes illustrated in pictures that you have to wonder about the ones they told.

No one appreciates those things more than Matt Ponesse, history professor at Ohio Dominican University. At Instagram, he's medievalistmatt, who gives us a glimpse into the way things were back then with a dose of laughs.

Looking through his gallery of memes can suck up the rest of your day. And always check the captions for more pithy remarks and the source of each image, which sometimes even includes the year. I may have learned a little about medieval history along the way. I bet Ponesse's classes are a blast. -via Boing Boing

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