Mario Picks Turnips for No Reason at All

When you're playing Super Mario Bros. 2, or any other adventure game, you keep your eye out for new challenges. When you see something new or different, you go for it. What's the worst that could happen? You might waste time not getting points. Of course you go for it, and you never stop to think about the implications for anyone else, because you're just thinking about yourself, aren't you? Yeah, I thought so. Maybe before you pull someone's turnips out of the ground, you could stop just a minute and look up what those turnips really mean. Sure, it cost you a few seconds for nothing, but the folks who planted those turnips were counting on them for survival. It's easy to point out Mario as the bad guy, but who's playing this game, anyway? This pixilated cartoon from Dorkly is only two minutes long, the rest is credits and promotional.  

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