The Stories Behind America's Odd Town Names

There are certain towns that always show up on lists of odd town names, often because they sound dirty, or because they've capitalized on the name to cultivate notoriety and draw tourists. Here's a list that goes beyond the beaten path to explain the origins of one strangely-named town in each of the 50 United States. It includes towns that have fairly obvious origins, like Volcano, Hawaii, and towns that should have a great story but were honestly named after a person, like Dickshooter in Idaho. It was named after Dick Shooter. Some were named in frustration with the US Postal Service when another name was rejected, like both Why, Arizona, and Whynot, North Carolina -although their stories are different.    

Other town names have great tales behind them, like Two Egg, Corner Ketch, Bacon Level, and Bugtussle, although we don't know if they are even remotely true. Neversink, New York has a wild story, even though it doesn't explain where the name originally came from. Check out odd town names in all 50 states at Mental Floss. The list is also available in video form, if you prefer.

(Image credit: Ken Lund)

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