Archive for May 1st, 2024

Norwegian Movie Title Translations are a Hoot

It's always fun to see how other countries title American movies. They can be literal translations, but often the marketing team wants to convey what the movie is about, and Hollywood titles often don't do that. So a new...

The First Murder Case Solved by Fingerprints

Fingerprints have been used to identify people since at least 220 BC -in China. They weren't used for solving crimes, but for signing documents (and they still do that). The Western world was slow to pick up the importan...

The Human Slot Machine at King's Day

Dudes playing fruit machine on king's day byu/Bridimum infunny Pay your euro and pull the lever! This human slot machine was set up during the Koningsdag (King's Day) celebrations last weekend in the Netherland...

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