A Serious Chase Scene From the Cat's Point of View

Someone attached a tiny camera on their cat's collar, which is always pretty interesting, at least if you know the cat. This one captures a dramatic encounter with another cat that starts with a challenge and then proceeds into a dizzying chase scene. No, you won't be able to keep up with the target because you do not instinctually chase small moving targets through the wilderness like a cat is born to do. You can hear the camera-cat begin to breathe heavily, but he is not giving up. The fugitive cat eventually decides that fighting will be less tiring than running, and it gets pretty confusing for a while, but then the chase picks back up. We don't know how long these cats went on; they might still be running for all we know. You have to wonder what this cat did to enrage the chaser so much. The only winner is the camera owner, because they got a viral video out of the incident. So far, this video has racked up 50 million views on Twitter (from one Tweet) and another 50 million on TikTok. -via Digg

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