Archive for April 19th, 2024

The New All Electric Atlas Dips Back Into the Uncanny Valley

We've grown to known and love Boston Dynamics' Atlas robot over the years, so much that we think if him (and his dog Spot) as everyday robots that have outgrown the "wow" factor and have become part of the family. So of...

How To Use a Sidewalk: The Instructional Film

The 1950s and 60s saw a vast proliferation of educational films on a wide variety of purely interpersonal topics. The Baby Boomers were still quite young and thus it was necessary to inform them of how to interact with o...

When Falling Space Junk Disrupts Lives

The odds of getting hit by a piece of space junk are smaller than the odds of winning the lottery, but they are not zero. You can reduce your odds of winning the lottery slightly by not buying a ticket, while space junk...

Bluegrass Cover of "Everybody Wants to Rule the World"

In 1985, the British pop rock band Tears for Fears debuted their single "Everybody Wants to Rule the World," which soared to the top of the charts across much of the world. It made heavy use of synthesizers and other ele...

Where Cannabis Came From, Scientifically Speaking

Archaeologists have found cannabis remains in a 2,500-year-old grave, with evidence indicating it was used at the funeral. And you thought "putting the 'fun' in funeral" was just a mortuary joke. But seriously, folks, re...

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