Remember a video from a few months ago in which different species of birds raced to show us how fast they can go? Red Side has made the same type of video for terrestrial animals. They are all shown moving at their species' maximum speed, the way they would only move if their lives were in danger. That means they are all shown running comically fast, one after another, as if it's a race. You won't see any sloths in this video, but it starts with a snail, and there's a turtle near the beginning making tracks like he's on fire. It's weird to see a kiwi being overtaken by a Komodo dragon, like the reptile wouldn't slow down long enough to eat the kiwi. The animals were produced by artificial intelligence, which hasn't quite mastered the way an elephant moves. Still, as funny as the race is, you'll learn about the relative speeds of various animals at their maximum. Meanwhile, if you ever see a critter running this fast in real life, you can be sure something scary is chasing them. Or else they are about to catch lunch.
It only takes about seven minutes to show us all the animals, then it switches and shows them to us again, from the perspective of the running creatures. It's a blur of landscape! -via Laughing Squid