You meet someone new, and if you are an American, one of your first questions is what do they do for a living. If it's something that sounds really cool, you might be jealous. But if all you know of that profession is what you see in movies or TV, you might be surprised by the truth. Few jobs are as glamorous as they sound, and you have to remember that if it were really that fun, people would do it for free. Some jobs are downright depressing, even if your own role is relatively simple.
And some are completely misunderstood by those outside the profession. Or at least those who have a limited vocabulary.
So when you meet someone who has a cool-sounding job, go ahead and ask questions, but save your envy until you understand a bit better. Every job has its ups and downs. See a pictofacts list on the hidden truths of 40 careers at Cracked.