What do you do when your cat wails as if the world is going to end? Get the camera, capture a video, and go viral! Maybe you'll end up in a remix and indeed become a star. Meanwhile, ahem, your cat is lonely.
An orange cat named Cala will let you know when she needs attention. She's quite vocal, bordering on English sentence structure. Therefore, her calls are catnip to David Scott, also known as The Kiffness (previously at Neatorama). He was inspired to write a little song around Cala's lyrics, such as they are, based on Pachelbel's Canon in D (as are most songs). The completed lyrics are available at the YouTube page. They make plenty of sense, opening doors is what cats want to do more than anything. It's not that they want out, and it's not that they want in. They just want the door open so they can have options when the mood strikes.