A Floating Raft of 5,000 Fire Ants

Live Science gives us an exclusive peek into National Geographic's A Real Bug's Life series with a short clip showing how an entire colony of fire ants, living near a Texas backyard with a swimming pool, banded together to create a makeshift raft to save their queen.

Ants are quite resilient creatures. No matter what happens to them, they will get back up and work, or if ever any threats approached them, they will defend their colony and queen at the risk of their lives. In that sense, they're almost like cockroaches except less creepy and more communal.

How they were able to achieve the feat of surviving this water calamity (from their perspective) is astounding. With the help of a phenomenon called the "Cheerios effect", these ants were able to clump together and ride the water. They locked their legs and mandibles, and used trapped air bubbles on the water to keep themselves afloat.

Ants can usually carry 10 to 50 times their own weight. The structure that they created can apparently withstand 400 times their body weight and stay afloat for 12 days. In the specific situation captured in the episode, the ants were able to land safely with the help of a pool noodle. - via The Daily Grail

(Image credit: National Geographic/Disney+/A Real Bug's Life)

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When I lived in Louisiana for 10 years I got introduced to fire ants the first month there. I went to look at purchasing a shed for my property and the sheds were on this really big lot and while I was looking at the outside of a shed my feet started burning. Looking down I saw the entire tops of my feet covered in fire ants because I unknowingly was standing on their ant hill. Many stings covered my feet and the blisters become like hard white rocks and scarring is very common on lots of people in Louisiana. 2 years before we decided to move away from Louisiana we started getting 'crazy ants' in our area. I watched a bunch of them attack the fire ants and my yard became free from fire ants. I never thought that would be possible. Our next door neighbor came by asking about those ants. They run every which way, not in a single file and they really dislike fire ants. I hope they flourish down there because they don't bother people.
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