On January 22, 1984, Apple placed an ad during the Super Bowl (yes, the Super Bowl used to be in January) that recreated a scene from George Orwell's book 1984. That got our attention. It was an ad for their new computer called a Macintosh, which was made available two days afterward. It took users by surprise by offering a usability experience that we all take for granted forty years later.
I got my first used Mac a couple of years later. My family already had a Commodore 64 and an Apple II, and they were a lot of hassle for a little fun. The Mac's screen was small, and there were no colors. Besides, it was awfully expensive for a used computer. But once the guy who was selling it showed me how to use it in about 30 seconds, there was no turning back. You had to be there to understand what a game changer the Macintosh was for users. Read what the Macintosh did to home computing, to mark its 40th anniversary, at Smithsonian.
(Image credit: Mark Mathosian)
So it's a crapshoot - I might be able to find an exact match to what you describe, but am I willing to take a chance on another 2017 Mac? I have never hated an inanimate object as I hate this thing, so probably not.
Even though this POS had to be rebooted yesterday morning, later yesterday afternoon it decided to play its little game with me whereby 1) it simply freezes up and nothing at all works, 2) the cursor soon disappears, and 3) within 2 minutes, the computer reboots itself, all due to "a problem". I have irretrievably lost a lot of valuable work due to this behavior, just another reason why this 2017 Mac - and Apple, Inc. - will never be adequately damned.
I envy your good luck. But be aware that when the time comes, vital parts for your computer, such as the video board, will no longer be available. Then it will be time to spin the wheel again. This is why, henceforth, I will only purchase used Macs with known reputations.
Thanks for the info.
Mine decided this morning to go into Imbecile Mode, in which it is completely unresponsive and gives me the spinning beachball of death no matter what I do. I couldn't even restart it, as EVERY piece of software open simply wouldn't close, even things like Music, which I seldom open anyway. So I had to turn the thing off, which happens maybe 1/3 of the time. From the time I first noticed the problem until it was back up and running with all software operational, over 2-1/2 hours had elapsed. As I had said, it's slow and stupid.
This looks good:https://www.amazon.com/Apple-Display-21-5-inch-Storage-Renewed/dp/B08286RCLP/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2EZ5MDVESS9BT&keywords=2019+imac&qid=1705957534&sprefix=2019+imac%2Caps%2C227&sr=8-4
As opposed to this 2017 offering. Look at the ratings.https://www.amazon.com/Apple-2-3GHz-Intel-21-5-inch-Storage/dp/B0B6D48TB3/ref=sr_1_9?crid=1L4OW529KLKYN&keywords=2017+imac&qid=1705957695&sprefix=2017+imac%2Caps%2C757&sr=8-9
So there were good 2017's and bad 2017's. No need to say which one I got.