Nature's Creatures Love Sir David Attenborough as Much as We Do

In 2016, the BBC commissioned Aardman Animation Studios to create an animated tribute to biologist and television host David Attenborough on his 90th birthday. They made three stop-motion videos in the style of their Creature Comforts franchise of the 1990s, with wild animals talking about their own impressions upon meeting Attenborough. Rich Webber, who directed the project, recently uploaded a video featuring the best lines from the series featuring the penguins, gorillas, and lyrebirds that have worked with Attenborough. Keep an eye on the crazy stuff going on in the background of each vignette. You can see all three of the original videos in their entirety here. Attenborough, now 97, is still working in television. -via Nag on the Lake 

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On my 2nd watching I realized that the lyrebird in the back does a perfect imitation of a chainsaw buzzing and then a tree fell on him! So, why did the tree fall?
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My wife and I enjoyed it a lot. She had not heard a lyrebird before, and ended up laughing often while watching the 2006 era (!) Neatorama page, and the learning why Aardman used the chainsaw sound.
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That video really made me laugh. Watching the non-speaking animals in the background doing their thing was a brilliant idea. Thanks for the hearty laughs, Neatorama-lama-dingdong!
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