Commander Deanna Troi, a main character on Star Trek: The Next Generation, was known for her sex appeal. One of her early, decidedly casual uniforms, showed a fair amount of cleavage until Captain Jellico brought her up to regulation standard. And in one famous scene, actress Marina Sirtis was most definitely not wearing a bra.
Gene Roddenberry, who created both Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation was a man that, shall we say, was in touch with his libido. When developing The Next Generation, he wanted Troi to have four breasts instead of the more commonly encountered two.
Patrick Stewart mentioned this fact in his recently-published memoir Making It So. I've confirmed it in the 1994 book Star Trek Where No One Has Gone Before: A History in Pictures. The great Dorothy Fontana herself had to talk Roddenberry out of the idea (110).
This book also reports that Denise Crosby, who played Tasha Yar, first auditioned for the role of Deanna Troi. Roddenberry decided that Crosby "looked too much like a wholesome American girl. He wanted Troi to be a much more exotic woman . . . ." (118-119)
Comments (7)
Jogging wouldn't be fun. Could really get into air guitar though.