Today's romantic and sexual relationships often don't fit into the classic terms we have for courting, like "dating," "going steady," "boyfriend," or "girlfriend." Even the more modern terms like "friends with benefits" and "friendzone" don't cover all situations, so the word "situationship" has arisen for what Facebook used to call "it's complicated." Often even those involved don't know how to define it because they're not sure how the other feels, or else both are just not all that committed.
When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. That's exactly what Sweethearts Candy is doing for the upcoming Valentines Day holiday. They are making use of their rejected conversation hearts -meaning those that didn't print right and came out blurry- and marketing them as Sweethearts® Situationships, with the tag line "Messages as blurry as your relationship."
A gift of these candies might spark a conversation about what this relationship is and where it is going. After all, they are conversation hearts. And it's a great idea for using candy that would otherwise be wasted. But how many misprints could they possibly have saved? The situationship candies went on sale this morning and are already sold out. But they'll make more before Valentines Day, even if they have to deliberately misprint them. -via Boing Boing