Comrade Stalin's Terrifying Drinking Parties

From the end of World War II until his death in 1953, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin spent more time at his private residence, but still ruled with an iron hand. The USSR's movers and shakers lived in fear of Stalin having them shot, but they also dreaded his many parties. You couldn't refuse, obviously, but his get togethers were quite an ordeal. Stalin would invite generals, political officials, and celebrities, and send a car to bring them to his private dacha. Dinner was fabulous, better than anywhere else in the Soviet Union. All who attended were on their best behavior, because they knew Stalin, but that was perilous when you're expected to drink copiously. And Lavrenty Beria, chief of the secret police, kept his eye on everyone to make sure they were drinking. Beria also played humiliating pranks on guests for Stalin's amusement. There were movies shown, too, often stretching the parties into the wee hours of the morning. All were afraid of saying the wrong thing or displeasing Stalin in some way, until they were safe at home. Read about Stalin's life-or-death drinking parties at Le temps d'une bière. -via Strange Company

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