Archive for January 2nd, 2024

The Odd Things Removed from Body Orifices in 2023

Once again, Barry Petchesky combed through the database of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission for emergency room visits involving things people got stuck in their orifices and needed medical intervention to remo...

Rolling Stone Dares to Rank the 150 Best Science Fiction Movies

Quick, can you name ten truly great science fiction films? You probably could, and the movies you just thought of would no doubt rank pretty high on everyone else's list. But if you were to consider all science fiction m...

A Timeline of the Celestial Events of 2024

You've got your new calendar ready; it's time to slot in reminders of the important things, like the meteor howers and eclipses you won't want to miss when they happen in 2024. The Quadrantid meteor shower is going on no...

Twins Born Minutes Apart in Different Years

At the Virtua Voorhees Hospital near Camden, New Jersey, baby Ezra Humphrey was born at 11:48 PM on New Year's Eve. His twin brother, Ezekiel Humphrey was born at 12:28 AM on New Year's Day. That's just forty minutes apa...

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