Woman Plans to Celebrate Her 105th Birthday Watching Football and Drinking Fireball

Florence Hackman of Cincinnati, Ohio must have some secrets to her longevity and suggestions that we could incorporate into our own lifestyles. Her birthday plans provide immediate guidance.

19 News reports that Mrs. Hackman will celebrate her birthday with the boys at the Deerfield Township Fire Department watching pro football and drinking Fireball Cinnamon Whisky. Her beloved Cincinnati Bengals will presumable demolish the Minnesota Vikings.

-via Dave Barry | Photo: WXIX

My great grandmother lived to 113. My grandfather was 97 when he passed (his 2nd wife did him in). My other grandparents lived into their late 80's and my mother passed at 99. So I am wondering what I will accomplish during my life span since I've got 30 years to go to get to 100. Maybe I'll go build a spaceship because it's good to keep trying new things. But I'll stay away from the Kraken rum for my 100th birthday because it tastes great but that stuff makes me crazy.
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