The Russian Movies That Hollywood Remade

Russian movies aren't as famous internationally as big blockbuster Hollywood films, although there have been some recent films coming from Russian cinema that have received international acclaim such as Hardcore Henry, Leviathan, Night Watch, and Brother

As such, not many people would probably realize that there were some Hollywood remakes based on famous Russian movies. RBTH gives us a list of 9 Hollywood remakes of famous Russian movies.

The most recent of which was the 2022 romantic comedy film About Fate, a remake of the 1976 Soviet television film The Irony of Fate. It's probably not surprising that the American remake was directed by Maryus Vaysberg, a Russian film director whose other film The Elder Son is also on the list.

The 1943 action war film Sahara, starring Humphrey Bogart, was based on the novel Patrol by Philip MacDonald, but also the Soviet 1936 film The Thirteen. Check out the full list on RBTH.

(Image credit: Planeta Bur/IMDb)

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