After Five Years Texting Her Dead Friend, She Finally Received a Reply

Sarah Gundle had met her friend Becca in university and they clicked. Through all of her life moments, Becca had been her voice of reason, and the person who encouraged her to take risks and live her life to the fullest. So, it came as a shock to her and to Becca's friends and family when one day, she was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. It seemed awfully like something from a movie, but for Sarah, it was real and unnerving.

And for years after Becca's death, Sarah had been sending one-way text messages to her friend's phone number, until one day, five years later, she received a reply for the first time. The message read, "I'm sorry, who is this?". It was surprising because Sarah knew that nobody could have been using her friend's old phone number. She read that if it hasn't been used for 90 days, it would be unusable. But there it was, somebody had sent her a reply from her friend's old phone number.

A short conversation between them followed, with Sarah explaining that the number used to belong to her friend who died five years ago. The person on the other end offered their condolences. But the last five words Sarah received shook her to her core. It read, "But please, don't text again." To read the rest of her story, check it out on Huff Post.

(Image credit: Kamran Abdullayev/Unsplash)

"She read that if it hasn't been used for 90 days, it would be unusable." Actually that's backwards. After 90 days the number is available to reassign. Depending on the area, it may be reassigned immediately or it may takes months or years to need that number again. In very busy areas, numbers can be reassigned just 30 days after disconnect.
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