Archive for October 31st, 2023

Seven Incarnations of Ryan Gosling

Redditor aubra_cadabra and six of her friends have a Halloween tradition that's been going on for more than a decade now. They all dress up as one actor in seven different movie roles! For 2023, that's Ryan Gosling, as y...

The Fellowship of the Ring in LEGO Stop Motion

How about a three minute version of The Fellowship of the Ring using LEGO? This is a faithful yet extremely condensed retelling without jokes. It features the massive 6167-piece The Lord of the Rings: Rivendell...

The Creatures That Lurk in the Deep Seas

<p>You might have come across Roman Fedortsov's X (Twitter) profile where he posts photos of the creatures he finds while deep-sea diving. It truly is quite fascinating what diversity the deep oceans hold....

The Legend of the Singapore Stone

Before Singapore became the bustling economic epicenter of Southeast Asia, it was just like everybody else in the region, until the British came and renovated the whole place, and much later, Lee Kuan Yew turned it into...

NASA Captures Photo of 'Skeleton Hand' in Space

<p>By some strange coincidence, NASA has taken a photo of remnants of a star explosion which could be interpreted to <a href="" ta...

The Alternative Names for October 30th

<p>October 31st is All Hallow's Eve, or Halloween. However, did you know that, depending on where you are located, people call the night before Halloween by different names? Why October 30th even has altern...

The Actual Reason Why Cats Purr

Whenever we stroke a cat, they sometimes respond with a soft purr, and so we think the reason why cats purr is because they feel happy or relaxed, or something of the sort. Many researchers thought that cats' purring was...

Sitcoms You Probably Never Heard About But Should Watch

<p>I love US sitcoms as much as the next guy and I've watched some of the most popular ones over the years. But sometimes, you want something fresh, something not mainstream, something that others may not h...

Artificial Intelligence Decorates for Halloween

Janelle Shane (previously at Neatorama) works with artificial intelligence algorithms, and brings us some amusing experiments at her site AI Weirdness. Her Halloween experiment generated some neat Halloween images, but t...

Startup Opens Cocktail Lounge to Coax Employees to Come Back to the Office

Expensify, a San Francisco fintech startup, thought of a way to attract their employees back to the office after the pandemic has finally subsided in many parts of the world. But as with many other office workers who got...

What Does the Scariest Animal in the World Sound Like?

Here on Neatorama, we have shared what plant screams sound like, as well as what solar eclipses sound like. In keeping with the season, we will be sharing what the most frightening animal in the world sounds like. The fi...

Margaret Atwood Reviews an AI's Rendition of a "Margaret Atwood" Story

<p>AI has come a long way. They have become so good that <a href="" target="_blank">writers...

The Elephants That Ransacked African Farms and the Bees That Scared Them Away

<p>Elephants are gentle giants. They are peaceful by nature, and won't attack unless they themselves feel attacked. But throughout the years in sub-Saharan Africa, elephants have struggled. Not only threate...

The Dangerous Life of Jesters

Jesters were the medieval equivalent of comedians, and they are typically depicted wearing a cap with bells on it. But as with comedians of today, the jesters of history have always spoken their minds whether it put thei...

Beholder Jack-o'-Lantern

Last year, redditor /u/Commander_Peanuts carved this monstrous jack-o'-lantern that doesn't light up, but also doesn't need to. I can't seriously believe that anyone would consider venturing into the Underdark where a be...

Wicked Witch of the East Costume

Dianna Cowern became famous on the internet as The Physics Girl. Her YouTube channel is filled with entertaining and informative videos about science, which is fitting for a physics graduate from MIT and a past winner of...

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