2,501-Pound Pumpkin Dropped on a School Bus

Charlie Bernstrom of Lancaster, Minnesota is a competitive pumpkin grower. For several years, he's grown some of the largest pumpkins in the world. On Saturday, a crane lifted his 2,501-pound pumpkin high into the air, then dropped it on a school bus. Fortunately, there were no children inside the bus at the time. The pumpkin, who was named Joy (yes, really), did not survive the encounter.

This pumpkin was only one of several that Bernstrom raised and then dropped. The others weighed 2,131, 2100, 1655, 1524, and 1352 pounds.

The event was part of a fundraiser to benefit the Kittson County Literary Council, an organization that promotes reading among kids. The fundraiser generated $1,500.

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I see from Charlie's Twitter feed that Joy had won a contest at a harvest festival already. Good on him to re-use useless giant pumpkins for a fundraiser! But I wonder what happened after the drop. Broken pumpkin makes good livestock feed. Did they pick up all the pieces and haul them out of the bus? Or did they just haul the bus off and never speak of it again?
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