Lenin's Mausoleum is a wooden tomb built on Red Square in Moscow, the place where the actual body of Vladimir Lenin is interred. For almost 100 years, the Russian government has yet to make a decision about what to do with the body of Lenin.
Originally, the wake was only scheduled to be for a week after Lenin's death, however, since people continued pouring in to visit, the government decided to postpone the funeral. Then, officials thought that it would be a good reminder for future generations about Russia's history, so instead of burying the body, they preserved it through an experimental long-term type of embalming at the time, and here we are a century later.
For many tourists who come to Russia, that's one of the things that they cannot leave Russia without. They had to see Lenin's body, but for what reason? Sofia Polyakova of Russia Beyond asked tourists their reasons for wanting to visit Lenin's Mausoleum, and the reasons were pretty much the same throughout. Read more about it on RBTH.
(Image credit: Hennie Stander/Unsplash)
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