Archive for October 18th, 2023

The Saga of the Haunted Grocery

There is an unnamed grocery store in rural Norway, near the border with Sweden, that apears to be haunted. For years, employees have experienced unexplained phenomena such as electrical malfunctions, shadowy figures, and...

Are You Ready for a Magnetic Slime Robot?

Why did we ever think that robots had to resemble humans? Because that's what the science fiction novels told us. True, the earliest idea of a robot was a machine to replace a person and do a person's work. But as we cam...

The 2023 Nikon Small World Microphotography Winners

For the 49th year in a row, Nikon is recognizing outstanding microphotography (or photomicrography, if you prefer) in its Nikon Small World competition. The highest honor goes to Hassanain Qambari and Jayden Dickson of t...

The Beer Marionette Drinking Game

The Beer Marionette is a drinking game from Bavaria. This ingenious invention requires precise maneuvering, attention, and thirst. Each rig costs €169 ($178 USD) as well as the beer necessary to motivate the pl...

The Future of Economy: A Cashless Society

<p>After living in Korea, a very highly advanced country, I can say that living in a cashless society makes transactions a lot easier and faster, and depending on the policies and systems in place, a lot sa...

What Being a Movie Extra is Really Like

<p>Being a movie extra must really seem cool for those of us outside of the entertainment industry. You'd get to be filmed on camera and you can act alongside some of the biggest names in cinema. However, f...

Nomophobia: The Fear of Being Separated from Your Phone

<p>Being someone who was born at the cusp of the digital boom, I knew what life was like before the internet or smartphones, and I'm sure a lot of our readers on Neatorama feel the same. But from the 2010s...

How Salman Rushdie Became a Millionaire

<p>Writers know that being a writer is not a lucrative career path. With the very rare exception of hitting the jackpot, generally writers can live comfortably but not luxuriously. A few writers have defini...

Gift Florida Residents with Banned Books for Free

There are several banned books in America, and I have read quite a few of them, all of which have widened my horizons, not only in literature, but also in my perspective of the American culture. Some of my favorite banne...

Honey Bees and Altruism: They Get It From Their Mother

<p>Altruism can be defined as showing selfless concern for the well-being of others. Though it may not look it, we do experience humans expressing altruism in more ways than one. Apart from non-profit organ...

50 Photos of People's Pets at Their Silliest

<p>Pet owners will know that sometimes our pets will do the silliest random things that will be enough to brighten our day. Perhaps, that's one of the reasons why they do it as they probably feel when we're...

David Gordon Green's Reboot of The Exorcist

Out in cinemas for the past two weeks now, The Exorcist: Believer is a reboot of the 1973 original directed by the late William Friedkin. Following the tradition of David Gordon Green's reboot of Halloween*/...

80 Prized Dinner Recipes That You Can Cook in a Jiffy

After a long day at work, sometimes you just want to kick back and relax while watching your favorite Netflix series, however, you find that there's nothing for you to eat in the fridge. What better way to enjoy your nig...

Ever Got a Smiley on Your Costco Receipt?

<p>Have you ever gotten a receipt from Costco with a smiley face drawn on it? It seems like a very unusual thing to encounter, and perhaps you have wondered what it actually means. Well, much like Starbucks...

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