A notorious tale in aviation circles involves a Michigan pilot who bought a plane in California sight unseen and had some trouble getting it home in 2021. These seven incidents from the trip are described as "crashes," which may be technically correct, but no one was killed, and the pilot was flying alone. Also technically they occurred over nine days. Sixty-year-old Dennis Collier sold his house to buy a Seawind 3000, an experimental amphibious homemade plane. He was so excited about the plane that he didn't get a pre-buy inspection. When he picked up the plane, he found its history to be pretty sketchy, but he had already sunk $100K into it and the seller was in a hurry to leave.
The story reads like a comedy of errors, and it is, but it should also reassure us that many things can go wrong with a plane without dooming us to die in a fiery crash. Not that we should push our luck like Collier did. After reading the account at General Aviation News, you might want to also read an interview with Collier for a taste of the saga from his perspective. -via Metafilter
(Image credit: AirplaneHub.com)
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surely u cant be serious
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