A legal deposit library is one in which all printed materials are required to be deposited. The United States requires copies be sent to the US Copyright Office, but only if you want a copyright, and they don't retain materials forever. In the UK, there are six legal deposit libraries, but as of now, the only one a publisher is legally required to sent materials to is the British Library, and they keep it forever. As you can imagine, this collection is massive, requiring off-site warehouses. It's not easy to get a library card to do research among all those materials, but when an item is requested, they move heaven and earth to get it for you. This requires giant high-speed robots and an impressive archiving system that has evolved over time. It will have to evolve further, as they are now taking all UK materials published online as well. Tom Scott gives us an overview, and ends with some lucky timing.
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Submissive is not a word found in their dictionary.
Nice to see that he is not eating the children!
She deserves much better than this.
If you honor your dog, if you care for your dog,
set her free.
Even if it was happy, do you think that it's a good thing the poor dog is chained on a short leach all day and is happy just because it might get to be fed or walked a little bit?
Very sad, but that's what comes of living in a world where we consider animals to be our property to do with as we wish.
you guys are stupid You don't know the
breed and you are making these asumptions!
My dogs does the same thing and he
is smiling and we live in Colorado not
Japan! Learn about the breed before you make
your assumptions!