There are an awful lot of scientific names that end up seeming like they were coined by 12-year-old boys. Really, you could make a list like this in any of the many scientific disciplines, because some scientists are actually 12-year-old boys at heart. But some really rude-sounding chemical names are caused by translations from other languages, our tendency to mispronounce the spelling we see, or an unfortunate clash between a real person's name and chemical suffixes. I have no idea why someone, somewhere, chose the brand name Fartox.
The examples I've brought here are honestly tame compared to some of them. I have researched this very subject in the distant past, and some of these are new to me. Since then, either new chemicals have been named, or rude modern slang has made old chemical names much funnier.
Incidentally, it's pronounced "FYOO-sit-all." But we've seen the fake medicine meme with a very similar name, so that's not the first pronunciation to pop into our heads. You can see 15 rude, crude, and socially unacceptable chemicals and the stories behind their names (when they are known) at Cracked.