Archive for July 26th, 2023

Archaeologists Find an 1,800-year-old Wiener Dog

An excavation site at Wittenham Clumps in Oxfordshire, UK, is thought to have been the home of a wealthy Roman family who lived there during the Iron Age, around the second century CE. One of the more surprising finds wa...

Science is Learning to Prevent or Even Reverse Graying Hair

It's long been a fact of life that if we are lucky enough to grow old, our hair will either turn gray or fall out. Or both. In recent years, the stigma of having gray hair is not as dire as it used to be, and gray hair h...

The Town That Used to Be Here

Lake Barryessa in California's Napa County holds 1.6 million acre-feet of water, and is a popular recreational area. But before 1957, this was Berryessa Valley. The town of Monticello was here, containing 600 people, mos...

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