Archive for June 26th, 2023

Architecture Companies Are Mass-Producing Quaint Irish Pubs

Why are there so many Irish or Irish-like pubs around the world? They're popping up all over the place.One contributing factor is the work of companies that mass-produce flat-pack Irish pub kits with all of the necessary...

"Baby Got Back" Performed by Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley died in 1977, but that's no reason he can't cover -and put his own style into- a song from 1992. This would have been a #1 hit for him. Artificial intelligence is plenty scary when it tries to serve us misi...

School is a Significant Drain on Moms' Free Time

Embed from Getty ImagesCommon sense would tell you that parents, and especially stay-at-home moms, look forward to the beginning of school in August so they can have some time away from hungry kids complaining that the...

How to Create a Virtual Assistant with a Retro Look

Amazon Echo and Alexa are pretty cool virtual assistants to have so that we get to live in a science fiction future. But it doesn't feel like we're living in the future unless we can convince ourselves that we're actuall...

The Lowest Car in the World

The lowest car in the world[📹 carmagheddon (IT):]— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) June 25, 2023 For the ultimate lowrider experience, we aren't just on the ground....

The Surprising Original Purpose of the Jungle Gym

Tom Scott is in the US now, and like most overseas visitors, had to buy health insurance to cover his trip. But he's not taking any chances by climbing on the world's first jungle gym on display in Winnetka, Illinois. Th...

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