Looking at Cancer as a Battle Against Zombies

At its most basic level, cancer is when our own cells decide to grow out of control. Yes, it's much more malignant than that sounds. Your body will recognize and fight the danger, but if it gets bad enough, your immune system will need outside help.

In this video, Kurzgesagt describes the immune system's battle against cancer in an analogy of a city and its emergency systems going up against a chaotic gang of dangerous troublemakers, some of them with malevolent supernatural power. That makes it easier to understand, but I also see another analogy here in the story of drug-resistant bacteria. If you spread antibiotics out too widely, such as treating entire livestock herds before any infection is present, or using antimicrobial soaps, you risk allowing some surviving superbugs to evolve and flourish. So who wins the battle? It's hard to say, because this can all go on without us ever knowing it. But concerning the cancers that become bad enough for us to detect them, we are learning more and more about building more powerful weapons against these malignant cells all the time.

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