Tradition is apparently no longer important to modern Britons. Although they will keep the monarchy, they are throwing away one of the great customs associated with royalty: rubbing the monarch at his or her coronation with ambergris.
My headline is borrowed from IFL Science, which explains what's going on.
As King, Charles is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. His coronation on May 6 is, among other purposes, a religious ceremony. He will be annointed with sacred oil. This oil is made from olives from the Monastery of Mary Magdalene and the Monastery of the Ascension in Israel.
The anointing oil will not contain ambergris, which is a substance that originates in the intestines of sperm whales. Many nations ban the harvesting of ambergris as part of general bans on the exploitation of whales.
-via Dave Barry | Photo: Wikimedia user Dan Marsh