Archive for January 20th, 2023

The Latest Research on Small Penises and Fast Cars

It's a well-known stereotype: a man going through a midlife crisis often buys a sports car, preferably an expensive one. We've also heard the joke that a fast car (or a big truck, in some circles) means the driver is com...

The Simpsons, as You've Never Seen It

Imagine The Simpsons if the show was a live-action sitcom starring Tom Selleck as Ned Flanders and Christopher Lee as Mr. Burns. The rest of the cast members are not quite as recognizable, but they fall somewher...

Influencer Job Opening has a Surprise Description

Have you always wanted to be an influencer? The Washington State Department of Natural Resources is looking for a few good people. Maybe even more than a few. We're hiring influencers and by that I mean firefighters who...

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