Check out five videos in the gallery above to meet five women who have a favorite color. Except they've taken that color to new heights, and designed their lives around one color each. Each are delightful in their own way. Continue reading to find out more about them.
Elizabeth Eaton Rosenthal, the Green Lady of Brooklyn, also goes by Elizabeth Sweetheart. She's an 81-year-old artist and designer who has run a design studio and a textile business, and paints miniature watercolors. She loves green because to her, "it's the most positive color in the world."
Ella London, Miss Sunshine, is a British designer who loves yellow. She sells items through her website, but has not yet launched her 2023 collection.
Kitten Kay Sera, the Pink Lady of Hollywood, holds the Guinness World Record as the World's Pinkest Person. She's been making headlines for her pink obsession for more than 20 years.
Valeria McCulloch, aka VALBLV, is a shoe designer and blue fanatic. She describes herself as an "Artist exploring wearing blue as medium for art." The shoes, however, are not all blue.
Sandra Ramos loves purple and lives in purple, but that's not the biggest thing about her life. The 81-year-old is an advocate for battered women, and ran her own women's shelter in New Jersey, then founded Strengthen Our Sisters, an organization that runs multiple shelters. Ramos has led an incredible life.
-via Boing Boing
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