Warning: This video is liable to make you hungry. An American might imagine some pretty horrible insults passed around Down Under, but Australians can laugh most of them off rather easily. To some, the very worst insult is to be called "un-Australian." The latest annual ad from Meat and Livestock Australia makes it clear that the consequences of being un-Australian are harsh. But there's peril in such a narrow and rigid definition of what's Australian (and what isn't) that's dangerously xenophobic. She's right; it's getting out of hand. But when everyone is un-Australian, they can all be un-Australian together, and enjoy a lamb barbecue! You may need to consult an Aussie slang dictionary to understand everything these folks are complaining about, but it's not necessary to enjoy the video. Check out some funny outtakes, too. Still, you may be left with questions, like exactly how do Australians eat a meat pie? With a spoon? -via Metafilter
Comments (4)
In the US, tomato sauce could well cost a dollar for a 16-ounce can, or a brand name 8-ounce can, but in Australia that would be called pasta sauce.