Archive for December 16th, 2022

How the Snow Globe was Invented

Erwin Perzy wasn't out to make a Christmas decoration or a paperweight when he developed the snow globe around the turn of the 20th century. He was looking for a way to make the overhead light brighter in a surgical suit...

The New Jersey Obsession with Cats Engaging in Witchcraft

Beginning in the late 18th century, it became the fashion among New Jersey residents those would could afford it to commission a painting of their pet cat in a style that highlighted their reputation for supernatural pow...

The Thrilling Sport of Ice Fighting

The old joke goes that the only reason why people actually watch hockey is for the fights. So why not cut out the boring passing and scoring and focus on just the fights? This is the combat sport of ice fighting. It...

Which Goes Faster: Glass Breaking or a Bullet from a Gun?

Whether glass breaking or a speeding bullet is faster may seem like a silly question, because it's kind of like comparing apples to oranges. They are both fast, like the others are both fruit, but that's about it. How wo...

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