Archive for November 25th, 2022

Kushim, the Bad Accountant of 3,000 BC

A clay tablet from ancient Sumer tells quite a story. It is rare that records that old have any name attached to them, and when they do, it's usually royalty. Common people doing common work came and went, leaving no tra...

Amazing LEGO Domino-Stacking Machine

We know how much fun it is to topple a row of dominoes. What's not so fun is picking them up again, or even worse, stacking them upright again. Could someone design a machine that does that? That would be pretty complica...

Her Mother is Also Her Uncle

A young girl underwent a DNA test to establish her paternity. The results that came back were so confusing that the science director of the genetic institute in Colombia, Juan Yunis, assumed the sample was contaminated a...

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