#IdahoDidYouKnow In 1928, Idaho became the first state in the nation to feature a graphic on a license plate by proudly displaying an impressive Idaho potato that filled the entire plate. pic.twitter.com/g1ii2TGWfB
— Idaho Commerce (@IdahoCommerce) July 16, 2019
Every state wants to have a distinctive license plate design for their vehicles. Trying to be different, however, can backfire, as several states have learned the hard way. In 1928, Idaho decided to feature a potato, the state's biggest cash crop, on their plates. A large, long, tan potato was embossed right on the otherwise green plate with the numbers inside. Idaho residents thought it was ugly, and they didn't feel like advertising potatoes on their cars, so the design only lasted a year. Tourists kept stealing them anyway. Strangely, they tried such advertising again, going with the slogan "world famous potatoes" in 1948, and since 1957, they've said "famous potatoes."
This is just one of several stories about license plate failures from different states you can read about at Smithsonian.
Not included: last year's Ohio plate design.