How To Make Beer Taste Better, According to Scientists

Since we ditched the old shorter vats of breweries in favor of the new cylindrical fermentation tanks (which are taller, produce more beer, and are easier to clean), the quality of the beer we drink has reduced in terms of its taste. This reduced quality is caused by excess pressure from the carbon dioxide produced during fermentation. But it turns out we can make beer taste great again (or, at least, better), made possible through gene editing.

Researchers were able to identify in a "specific yeast strain" a single mutation in a gene, which was the source of the banana-like flavor and responsible for the pressure tolerance. Engineering the same mutation in other yeast strains resulted in said strains to better withstand carbon dioxide pressure.

Other strains could also be modified, it seems, and this could lead to better-tasting beers in the near future.

The authors' study is backed by a brewing company who wish to patent the use of the technology.

(Image Credit: aiacPL/ Pixabay)

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In Michigan we had a brewery company that took it's time making their beer in small batches. The flavor could vary from batch to batch. It tasted wonderful, very dark with a hint of molasses flavor to it. Now companies are so concerned with cranking out their wares as fast as possible that the richness and uniqueness of a product rarely gets to shine anymore. Such a pity. Some thing are worth waiting for.
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So much wrong with this. Let's just start with that banana flavor. Found naturally in Hefeweizen yeast. Said yeast is dangerous for two reasons: 1. it grows so fast that it can take over a fermentation, 2. yeasts can exchange genetic material so it can alter other strains. This is fixed by *not* reusing old yeast and getting fresh starters. If someone wants to go GMO on yeast, it is for profit, not flavor.
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