The top websites in the world are Google, YouTube, and Facebook. It's been like that for years. But what if you eliminated those, and ranked websites within nations? Then you'd end up learning something new about the world. Hostinger did just that. In fact, they eliminated all search engines, since they are a "middle man" to get you to other websites. They also eliminated porn sites, which are now ranked fourth and fifth globally. After that, we find out that Wikipedia is the top websites in 43 countries, which is very believable. But not the US! Americans like to buy things, so Amazon is at the top. Reddit is the go-to website in Canada, New Zealand, and the Philippines. You might not know Delfi; it is a news site based in Estonia that operates in Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, Polish, and English.
You can see and enlarge the world map greatly here. Then you'll find some interesting data, like how Blogspot is number one in Bolivia, 9GAG is tops in Nicaraugua, and IMDb is the most popular website in Liberia. Hostinger also has maps for the top news sites, banking sites, and food sites around the world (DoorDash beats all recipe sites in the US). You can see the global reach of websites that were eliminated at Open.Trends. Data is not available from every country in the world. -via Metafilter
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