This Ambidextrous Artist Can Draw 6 Portraits Upside Down at the Same Time

Rajacenna van Dam, an artist in the Netherlands, is talented and successful. But she can do a lot more than just draw well. Although most visual artists will use just one hand, Van Dam can use both and both of them at the same time.

Oh, and her feet. Also at the same time.

Also upside down.

In this time-lapse video of a 40-minute drawing session, Van Dam completes 6 realistic portraits of celebrities, working on four with her hands and two with her feet through her transparent desk. It looks like she occasionally dips the ink brushes in her toes into a pool of ink on her left side.

-via My Modern Met

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Still sped up and lots of missing frames. Remember that a lot happens between frames of a stop motion movie that we don't see, yet it looks smooth as silk on release. Show me an unedited, regular speed video with her pulling this off and I'll believe it. Too much room for shenanigans with what she's posted.
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One thing many these ambidextrous artists have in common is they never show you the full length video of their projects. Especially with this one, I highly suspect this is simply a stop motion video where most of the drawing is happening between the frames.
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Good god, im not gonna lie thats insane talent. One of those videos that comes along rarely and you sit back and go "this person makes me feel like an idiot". And i mean that in a good way, I'm always humbled and inspired by people who are way more talented than me. Here is another video example of someone who makes me feel extremely stupid/untalented. (But I actually love it)
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