Did we just build the best toy ever? pic.twitter.com/vej6T9bZNX
— ActionMovieDad (@ActionMovieKid) August 2, 2022
In my home, we have a whiteboard that we use as a running shopping list. One of my daughters occasionally writes "flamethrower" on it as a joke (I think). I've never gotten her one because they're horrifically expensive, but now I may have an option courtesty of Action Movie Dad.
Daniel Hashimoto is a highly skilled digital effects artist. He uses his abilities to place his own children in tense, action-packed movie scenes. He also adds raptors to movies because raptors are always cool.
For his latest project, Hashimoto attached a tube of light, fire-colored fabric to a leafblower. The result is a flamethrower that the kids will enjoy without causing too much property damage.
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