Archive for July 25th, 2022

Tradinno, the Fire-Breathing Festival Dragon

Almost every town has a festival, and its theme is important to drawing tourists. Who wouldn't want to attend a dragon-slaying festival? It happens every August in the town of Furth im Wald, Germany, for more than 400 ye...

15 Odd Moments in Barbie's History

The Barbie doll was introduced in 1959. That's a run of 63 years so far, and plenty of time for a massively popular toy to have some ups and downs. Indeed, the doll and her marketing changed with the times, often in misg...

The World's Most Annoying Batter?

#佐賀 大会 準決勝🆚#東明館 × #有田工有田工、3回裏 8番・山口洸1球ごとに右打席と左打席を入れ替えるスイッチヒッター!執念の出塁! #バーチャル高校野...

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