Oh my. This newspaper announcement might bring up a vision of the bedroom sign we featured a couple of months ago. And this is for a couple who isn't married yet! But there's more here than meets the eye. When I saw this clipping from Bad Newspaper, I tried hard to figure out where the typo was, and what it's supposed to say. There is no typo.
An Old Fashioned Pounding is a real thing. Today we would call it a food shower, when friends and community come together to stock a pantry with staples like flour, sugar, cornmeal, beans, and spices. The name comes from the fact that a lot of these goods were sold by the pound. It's a great idea for a newly married couple, or for someone who is establishing a new home. Traditionally, churches did it when a new pastor took up residence in a parsonage.
Considering the way the term "pounding" is used in the 21st century though, you might want to call your party a food shower, just to keep the prurient puns to a minimum.
Comments (2)
1. You pick off excess flowers from pumpkin vines to make the remaining pumpkins bigger. Male flowers won't develop fruit anyway.
2. Deep frying blossoms is just using a matrix for eating deep fried batter, like rosettes or funnel cakes.
However, there were no secrets in that small town. Some neighbors were shocked, and figured if my grandparents were reduced to eating flowers, they must be totally out of food. So the neighbors threw my grandparents a food shower, even though they were as well off as anyone else in town.