Archive for May 31st, 2022

The Woman Who Tried to Stamp Out Kissing

Imogene Rechtin was horrified by the idea of germs. Germ theory was still relatively new when Rechtin decided people were just plain kissing each other too much, and spreading germs to everyone they met. Women often gree...

The Power of a Smile

Borzah Yankey has a TikTok channel dedicated to making people smile. Yankey has been told he has an infectious smile ever since he was a kid. The Winnipeg, Manitoba, resident started posting smile videos on TikTok to giv...

Traffic Cones Turned into Suit of Armor

I cut 24 traffic cones into small pieces and joined them together to make armor that I could wear.— 安居 智博 (@kami_robo_yasui) May 27, 2022 No, it's not the world's worst Transfo...

An Old Fashioned Pounding

Oh my. This newspaper announcement might bring up a vision of the bedroom sign we featured a couple of months ago. And this is for a couple who isn't married yet! But there's more here than meets the eye. When I saw this...

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