When the movie Soylent Green came out in 1973, it predicted that by the year 2022, we'd be eating super processed food squares made from people. Oops, spoilers. Now that it's 2022, does anyone have an idea of what the food of the future will be? Let's hope it's not soylent green. But somehow we will have to feed the 9.8 billion people the earth may hold by 2050, and that won't be easy as our current agricultural practices are being affected by climate change.
Experts are looking at lab-grown meat produced from stem cells, ovens that resemble 3D printers to make our dishes for us, hydroponic crops, various foods made from insects, coffee made from all kinds of plants, dairy-free cheese, and innovations that allow us to grow locally what we now import. The future may hold a lot more food innovations you can read about at bon appetit. -via Damn Interesting
(Image credit: NASA/Bill Stafford)