The Tragic Tale of Madeleine Astor

When she was 18 years old, Madeleine Talmage Force seemed destined for a happy life. In 1911 she had married one of the richest men in the world and embarked on an extended honeymoon that included travel to Bermuda, Egypt, and various European countries. Before long, she was expecting a baby. Her marriage to John Jacob Astor IV was controversial, coming what the public considered to be too soon after his highly-publicized divorce the previous year. He was 47 years old, and had a son older than Madeleine.

The Astor's lives would take a turn when they decided to return to America on the luxurious ship called the Titanic. Madeleine was accompanied by her husband, her dog named Kitty (yes, really), a maid, and a private nurse. After the ship hit an iceberg, John Jacob Astor helped his wife, the maid, and the nurse into a lifeboat, but was denied a seat for himself. Read how that adventure played out and what became of Madeleine Astor afterward at Mental Floss. -via Strange Company

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