Cheetos are Illegal in Germany

Frito-Lay cannot legally sell Cheetos in Germany. It's a copyright issue, as the big German snack maker Intersnack Group filed an injunction in 1980 that Cheetos infringes on their copyright of a snack chip named Chitos. Brand confusion may result, you know. The thing is, while Intersnack sells a chip called Chios, you cannot find a product called Chitos in Germany. A rival company says Intersnack sells about ten bags of Chitos a year. Doesn't matter, they still have the copyright. However, you can easily buy a cheese-coated corn snack called Cornchos. If you find yourself in Berlin with a Cheeto craving, you might try them and let us know how they hold up. Americans in Germany have found a couple of ways to get around the injunction against Cheetos, though, involving suitcases and stickers, which you can read about at The Takeout.  -via Damn Interesting

(Image credit: Scott Ehardt)

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I knew a guy who worked for the company. He mostly delivered their products to stores but he had been allowed to enter the factory that made Cheetos and got to see them being made. He said the hot Cheetos that came right off the factory conveyor belts tasted a thousand times better than the ones in the store. He said the company had tried to make Cheetos that you could microwave at home so you could experience the real thing but I don't think they ever succeeded.
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