👨🍳 That smiling man on that can of pasta was actually a real guy. Ettore Bioardi moved from Italy to New York at the tender age of 16, became head chef of the Plaza Hotel by the age of 17 and made spaghetti sauce so good that his customers bought it packed in milk bottles. He's the real Chef Boyardee!
🐱 This black cat can really sing the blues. He's probably just channeling John Lee Hooker by meowing, "I had a dream last night / God knows a black cat had crossed my trail."
📷 Ever posted a selfie on social media? That photos may just have been hoovered up by a facial recognition company that aims to identify every human on Earth. All 7.9 billions of us.
🦪 I usually get an upset stomach eating clams, but this man got something nicer. He found a pearl while eating dinner at his local seafood restaurant.
🏠 Turn your world upside down ... literally! The upside down house of Casaloca Guavita in Colombia is a tourist attraction.
🐞 I get famished between lunch and dinner, but a species of tick called Argas brumpti can last 8 years without eating anything. Now that's going on a diet!
Featured art: Go Zoom by indie artist Boggs Nicolas.
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