Archive for February 4th, 2022

The Hero Awarded the Victoria Cross upon the Recommendation of an Enemy Officer

The Victoria Cross is the highest honor that a member of the British armed forces can receive. Since Queen Victoria instituted it in 1856, only 1,358 people have received this award for extreme gallantry in the midst of...

A Strategy for Wordle

The game Wordle shows no sign of losing popularity, even as we hear the announcement that it was acquired by the New York Times. The newspaper said the game will still be free ...for now. Better get in the game before it...

Kleptomaniac Bird Records Lovely Footage of National Park

The New Zealand parrot called a kea has been known to steal interesting objects from humans. In this case, a family visiting Fiordland National Park were recording a kea when the bird decided to take that GoPro camera. I...

The History of One Building Highlights the Danger in How We Keep Records

Addison Del Mastro was intrigued by the building you see here. Yes, it's a Pizza Hut, but it is somewhat different from the iconic architectural style of the pizza chain. We've seen plenty of buildings with that style th...

Japanese Grocery Store Offers Pickup Service at Train Stations

Grocery store pickup can be helpful, but Cookpad Mart, an online grocery retailer in Japan, offers an even more accomodating service. The company already provides delivery to lockers inside convenience stores. Now, Sora...

The Annual Weighing of the Mayor of High Wycombe

High Wycomb is a small town west of London. Every year, the charter trustees elect a mayor, who, upon taking office, is immediately weighed on a huge scale by officials wearing period costumes from the Eighteenth Century...

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